The average house price on CLAYTON WAY is £2,503,184
The most expensive house in the street is THE UPLANDS CLAYTON WAY with an estimated value of £8,694,415
The cheapest house in the street is 5 DARWIN COURT CLAYTON WAY with an estimated value of £297,805
The house which was most recently sold was THE UPLANDS CLAYTON WAY, this sold on 19 Oct 2021 for £7,800,000
The postcodes for CLAYTON WAY are SY3 5AL, SY3 8GA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 DARWIN COURT CLAYTON WAY £297,805 £252,000 16 Oct 2020
3 DARWIN COURT CLAYTON WAY £510,258 £410,000 14 Mar 2019
4 DARWIN COURT CLAYTON WAY £510,258 £410,000 14 Mar 2019
THE UPLANDS CLAYTON WAY £8,694,415 £7,800,000 19 Oct 2021